Monday, March 09, 2009

Russian roulette gambling: The dangerous gambling

Russian roulette gambling was once the preferred hobby of many people. Russian roulette gambling was also famous as the king of any gambling. But the truth is, in many places Russian roulette gambling is not allowed. It is one of the most dangerous gambling in the world. In Russian roulette gambling you not only play with the money but it also involves one’s life. Yes, you guessed it right, in Russian roulette gambling people play with a revolver. Now you can understand the risk involved in Russian roulette gambling. The only similarity you can find in Russian roulette gambling with American or European style is, all of them are gambling. Else, there are no similarities in bets or the playing style.
From the name itself we can understand Russian roulette gambling first started in Russia itself and soon it spread to many other countries. The procedure of Russian roulette gambling is strange and dangerous. If you are playing the Russian roulette gambling then you have to make sure there is one revolver, in which you need to put a bullet and then rotate it. Only one bullet can be there, not more than that. Also the revolver should be a ringlet round revolver. Now those who are playing the Russian roulette gambling they need to fire the trigger one by one on their head. If the bullet does not fire on your head you win the game, but if it fires you lose the game and your precious life both. Now you may wonder why people play this type of life risking gambling in stead of those table roulette games. Well in the past when there were so many prisoners in Russia, that time the administrators used to make them play this dangerous Russian roulette gambling. The observer used to watch the gambling and bet on them. When a prisoner died his observer used to get the money.
Today this Russian roulette gambling is prohibited in every casino. But that does guarantee the extinction of this deadly game. Only in underground and in some prohibited areas people still play it and enjoy the brutal fun of this Russian roulette gambling. This game brings enormous pressure on the people who play Russian roulette gambling. The fact is those who used to play Russian roulette gambling they are either gone crazy from the mental pressure or they are dead.
Now, if you still have any interest left regarding Russian roulette gambling, you can follow some of the tips. Do not play with just another person. In that case you have fifty percent chance of dying. Obviously you do not want that. But with three players the chance is nearly 66.75%. So, try to play with at least six players, so that your chances of dying can decrease. Single round pistols have 6 chambers. And there is a high possibility that the bullet gets fired before your turn, if you are the sixth player in the game. There are many famous people who played Russian roulette to get rid of their tensions. You should choose your life and not death. So try to stay away from this dangerous gambling.
